Joining the “dofollow” community and attracting more visitors to your blog

Technorati estimate that there are over 175,000 new blogs created everyday. Of those blogs in existence there are 18 updates per second, or 1.6 million posts per day.

This is a phenomenal amount of blogging and if you have started your own blog you may well wonder how you will find an audience amongst so many other bloggers.

The truth is, you’ve got a hard job on your hands to find a readership. There is absolutely no doubt that anybody in the blogosphere will advise you that you need good quality regular content. No matter what tricks you pull to attract new visitors they will not come back again unless you offer great content for your niched.

It is fine now and again to write short items promoting other people’s work or a video you have found on YouTube. But the meat of your blog must be interesting, well-researched and well-thought through articles. If you love the niche you are part of then this will come naturally.

Don’t start off with massive amounts of enthusiasm and then a few months later sagging because you have burnt yourself out. It’s best not to publish more than one post per week or you’ll quickly run out of ideas – quality takes time, and quality beats quantity all the time.

Don’t expect more than 10 visitors to you blog on any one day during the first six months of its life. For starters, it takes at least six to nine months before Google and Yahoo seriously begin to index the pages of you blog for inclusion in its ranking.

There are many, many ways of publicising your blog. You could add it to MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog and then start interacting with other bloggers in your niche, you could also post up the URL in the  forums that you are a part of. Don’t forget to submit it to some free directories.

Another way is to join the “dofollow” community.

In January 2005 Google introduced the nofollow attribute. This adds the following to the HTML code in a link: rel=”nofollow”. Simplified, this puts a sign on the door by telling the search engine bot not to count the webpage it is pointing to in its ranking calculations, and as every person involved in SEO will tell you: build lots of inbound quality links in order to do well in the search engines.

Over night in 2005 the Google game changed as blogging platforms like Wordpess slapped nofollow all over blog comments. Millions and millions of links were now discounted.

Some bloggers though were not happy about this change. They knew that this wouldn’t stop spam and so continued to leave off the nofollow attribute. This became known as “dofollow”, although in actual fact there is no code which reads dofollow.

These refuseniks wanted to reward their regular commentators with a little link love. Why shouldn’t they receive a little boost for the time they take to engage with my blog, they theorised.

“Dofollow” is an incentive for your readers to comment often and come back regularly.

So, if you are a blog owner then how do you make a switch to “dofollow”?

Well, that depends on what software you use. The best idea is to visit DoFollow and read the article “Dofollow” Guidelines for Webmasters and Bloggers.