Introducing the QtWeb web browser

The what web browser you may ask? The QtWeb – an Open Source project released under the GNU licence and based on the WekKit rendering engine which Chrome and Safari use.

If you want to compare to the most popular browsers on the market then take a look at this chart:

This is from November 2009 and matters have moved on since then, but it is worth noting that QtWeb was the first browser to score 100 out of 100 in the Acid3 test  which checks for CSS and DOM capabilities. As of May 2010, the browsers that now score the maximum 100 are Safari, Chrome and Opera (IE8 only reaches 22 out of 100).

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Using the SunSpider JavaScript performance test  it’s slower than the Chrome and Opera (which is the fastest on the market), but many times faster than IE8.

You can also use it – unlike any other browser – as a stand-a-lone without installing it, although the biggest let down is its lack of third-party plug-ins.

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Out of force of habit I’m still mostly using Firefox but Chrome seems to be rapidly becoming the choice of browser for developers. The latest version of Opera (10.53) is really fantastic and for the first time in ten years it really is a leader of the pack.